Welcome to Fibox’s Speak up page!
At Fibox we prioritize transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct in all aspects of our operations. Through the Speak up procedure employees and external stakeholders, such as customers, partners and suppliers, can report their concerns about unethical behaviour, misconduct, or violations of company policies without fear of retaliation. This page serves as a guide to our Speak up policy and reporting procedure.
Why speaking up matters
Speaking up plays a vital role in upholding Fibox’s values and protecting our employees and external stakeholders. By speaking up about possible wrongdoing, you will help maintain a culture of accountability and contribute to a safe and ethical work environment and partnership with external stakeholders.
Our Speaking up channels
The employees of Fibox are encouraged to report their ethical concerns primarily to their supervisors or their supervisor’s supervisor.
In addition to the above, Fibox provides a Speak up channel, hosted by a third-party service provider, which allows employees and third parties to report concerns confidentially, and with anonymity, if allowed by local laws and regulations.
What matters can be reported
When we refer to ethical concerns, we mean any suspected violations of the Fibox Code of Conduct or its policies, as well as any unlawful or unethical behavior.

How is a report made
We encourage you to report using your name, as this allows for a more thorough investigation and keeps you informed about the progress. However, anonymous reports are also accepted to ensure everyone feels safe raising concerns.
Click on the below link to access external Speak up incident reporting channel:
After submitting a report, you will receive confirmation within seven days, and you will be updated on the progress within three months. This feedback will include information on the actions taken or planned, while adhering to legal confidentiality requirements.
What happens after I have issued a report
Our company takes the privacy and security of our employees and external stakeholders very seriously. That is why we have partnered with Whistleblower Partners. The initial processing of each received report is done by our external service provider, Whistleblower Partners.
When a report is received, an assessment is made of whether the report falls within the scope of the Speak up channel.
If the report is inside the scope of the Speak up channel, in our organization Global HR Business Partner and/or Head of Group receives the report.
If a report falls outside the scope of the Speak up channel, the speaker will receive guidance on where they can instead raise the matter in question within the organization.
How the matter is investigated
Considering the recommendation from our external partner, Fibox decides on the necessary measures to conduct an investigation. A person responsible for the investigation shall be independent and no conflict of interest is allowed with the concerned report or subject matter. Based on the outcome of the investigation, relevant Fibox management decides on the necessary corrective and disciplinary actions to be taken.
Fibox is committed to protecting individuals who have made reports in good faith and to making sure that they will not face retaliation for their reports. Any instances of possible retaliation will be taken seriously and investigated appropriately.
Fibox Code of Conduct
The purpose of Fibox Code of Conduct is to support and guide the choices and decisions made in the Fibox Group. With the operating instructions, we ensure that all Fibox Group employees and Fibox Group partners have a unified understanding of the rules and principles that guide what we do.