Fibox group obtains Ecovadis Bronze medal as part of the ESG journey
The world is facing some serious challenges, and companies need to adjust and change with it. When more and more focus goes to sustainable ways managing the value chain and running businesses, it requires more focus also from us at Fibox.
Doing the right thing is always a choice, which is why it is important to understand our ethical commitments to the company, our customers and other stakeholders, and the environment around us. We take our ESG responsibilities (Environment, Social, Governance) seriously and have recently made big leaps in that field.
We are working on our external communication plan for Fibox Sustainability, and we will be communicating that later on our website and other external channels.
When we talk about Sustainability matters, it’s clear that it’s a process and there is always something that you can do better. We have an emphasis on a sustainable way of serving our customers, the well-being of our personnel, and working together with our trading partners.
We are happy to share that as one of the valuable steps, Fibox Group has been awarded a bronze medal in recognition of sustainability achievement by Ecovadis! We are very proud of this certificate achieved, and it pushes us further in the important field of Sustainability, highlighting that we are on the right path.
Stay tuned for updates on our ESG journey, we will be communicating transparently as we move forward.

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